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With PaymentFlow, you can make payments in two steps flow. When the user presses the submit button, the system only gets the card information, and puts it in a pending state. After that, when the program executes the confirmation method, the payment is executed. In most cases, it is used in a flow that is interrupted by a final confirmation screen.

Image from Gyazo

This method can be used for both immediate payment with PaymentIntent, and future payments with SetupIntent.

Don't know what these Intent is? Learn it first at the official Stripe website.



🐾 Implements Guide

1. createPaymentFlow

This method is settings for PaymentFlow. Before use, you should connect to your backend endpoint, and get every key. This is "not" function at this Plugin. So you will use HTTPClient , Axios , Ajax , and so on. Here is example of Angular HttpClient. This method will get paymentIntent, ephemeralKey, and ephemeralKey.

Stripe provide how to implement backend:

After that, you set these key to createPaymentFlow method. You will need to prepare either paymentIntentClientSecret or setupIntentClientSecret and set it in the method.

import { Stripe, PaymentFlowEventsEnum } from '@capacitor-community/stripe';

(async () => {
  // Connect to your backend endpoint, and get every key.
  const {paymentIntent, ephemeralKey, customer} = await<{
    paymentIntent: string;
    ephemeralKey: string;
    customer: string;
  }>(environment.api + 'payment-sheet', {}).pipe(first()).toPromise(Promise);

  // Prepare PaymentFlow with CreatePaymentFlowOption.
    paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntent,
    // setupIntentClientSecret: setupIntent,
    customerEphemeralKeySecret: ephemeralKey,
    customerId: customer,

You can use options of CreatePaymentFlowOption on createPaymentFlow.

method createPaymentFlow(...)

createPaymentFlow(options: CreatePaymentFlowOption) => Promise<void>

Props paymentIntentClientSecret or setupIntentClientSecret, and customerId, customerEphemeralKeySecret are required. And be able to set style alwaysLight or alwaysDark, prepare Apple Pay and GooglePay on PaymentFlow.

interface CreatePaymentFlowOption

Prop Type Description Default
paymentIntentClientSecret string Any documentation call 'paymentIntent' Set paymentIntentClientSecret or setupIntentClientSecret
setupIntentClientSecret string Any documentation call 'paymentIntent' Set paymentIntentClientSecret or setupIntentClientSecret
billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration Optional billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration
customerEphemeralKeySecret string Any documentation call 'ephemeralKey'
customerId string Any documentation call 'customer'
enableApplePay boolean If you set payment method ApplePay, this set true false
applePayMerchantId string If set enableApplePay false, Plugin ignore here.
enableGooglePay boolean If you set payment method GooglePay, this set true false
GooglePayIsTesting boolean false,
countryCode string use ApplePay and GooglePay. If set enableApplePay and enableGooglePay false, Plugin ignore here. "US"
merchantDisplayName string "App Name"
returnURL string ""
style 'alwaysLight' | 'alwaysDark' iOS Only undefined
withZipCode boolean Platform: Web only Show ZIP code field. true

2. presentPaymentFlow

When you do presentPaymentFlow method, plugin present PaymentFlow and get card information. This method must do after createPaymentFlow.

(async () => {
  // Present PaymentFlow. **Not completed yet.**
  const presentResult = await Stripe.presentPaymentFlow();
  console.log(result); // { cardNumber: "●●●● ●●●● ●●●● ****" }

You can get { cardNumber: string; } from presentPaymentFlow.

method presentPaymentFlow()

presentPaymentFlow() => Promise<{ cardNumber: string; }>

In do PaymentSheet, presentPaymentSheet method get result. But in PaymentFlow, presentPaymentFlow method is progress.

3. confirmPaymentFlow

(async () => {
  // Confirm PaymentFlow. Completed.
  const confirmResult = await Stripe.confirmPaymentFlow();
  if (result.paymentResult === PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed) {
    // Happy path

PaymentFlowResultInterface is created from Enum of PaymentFlowEventsEnum. So you should import and check result.

type alias PaymentFlowResultInterface

PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed | PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Canceled | PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Failed

4. addListener

Method of PaymentFlow notify any listeners. If you want to get event of payment process is 'Completed', you should add PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed listener to Stripe object:

// be able to get event of PaymentFlow
Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed, () => {

The event name you can use is PaymentFlowEventsEnum.

enum PaymentFlowEventsEnum

Members Value
Loaded "paymentFlowLoaded"
FailedToLoad "paymentFlowFailedToLoad"
Opened "paymentFlowOpened"
Created "paymentFlowCreated"
Completed "paymentFlowCompleted"
Canceled "paymentFlowCanceled"
Failed "paymentFlowFailed"

📖 Reference

See the Stripe Documentation for more information. This plugin is wrapper, so there information seems useful for you.

Complete the payment in your own UI(iOS)

This plugin use PaymentSheet.FlowController on pod 'Stripe':

Complete the payment in your own UI(Android)

This plugin use PaymentSheet.FlowController on com.stripe:stripe-android:

import { Stripe, PaymentFlowEventsEnum } from '@capacitor-community/stripe';

(async () => {
  // be able to get event of PaymentFlow
  Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed, () => {
  // Connect to your backend endpoint, and get every key.
  const {paymentIntent, ephemeralKey, customer} = await<{
    paymentIntent: string;
    ephemeralKey: string;
    customer: string;
  }>(environment.api + 'payment-sheet', {}).pipe(first()).toPromise(Promise);

  // Prepare PaymentFlow with CreatePaymentFlowOption.
    paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntent,
    // setupIntentClientSecret: setupIntent,
    customerEphemeralKeySecret: ephemeralKey,
    customerId: customer,

  // Present PaymentFlow. **Not completed yet.**
  const presentResult = await Stripe.presentPaymentFlow();
  console.log(result); // { cardNumber: "●●●● ●●●● ●●●● ****" }

  // Confirm PaymentFlow. Completed.
  const confirmResult = await Stripe.confirmPaymentFlow();
  if (result.paymentResult === PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed) {
    // Happy path